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Table 1 A Comparison of the NREC to NOPE Frameworks

From: Say NOPE to social disorganization criminology: the importance of creators in neighborhood social control


Neighborhood Resident Emergent Control (NREC)

Neighborhood Out of Places Explanation (NOPE)

Area unit

(i.e., neighborhood)

Natural real area. Principle subject of theory. Most important unit of analysis

Institutionally created and not natural. An arbitrary artifact of interest groups

Place unit

(i.e., property parcel)

Usually overlooked. When addressed, it is a component of areas

Locus of control. Principle subject of theory. Important unit of analysis. Frequent point of policy interventions

Principle actors


Place managers (owners and operators of places)

Role of residents

Active and essential

Largely passive adaptors to circumstances created by others

Sources of authority and control

Collective opinion and actions of residents

Property rights of place managers based in law

Outside influences

Largely unexplained large-scale social forces

Governments, businesses, real estate, and financial institutions that see their interests advanced by the uses of land and property


Few tangible implications that can produce reliable results and are evidence-based

A variety of implications for altering the management of places, with considerable supporting evidence of reliable results