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Table 4 The sources of costs for Tables 1, 2 and 3, along with summary notes for how costs were estimated

From: A victim-centred cost–benefit analysis of a stalking prevention programme

Superscript number

Source of costs

Summary of estimation


Project finance documentation

Calculated by dividing all non-salary operating costs by the number of referrals received by the unit in the first year of operation


Project finance documentation

Calculated by multiplying the partnership staff hourly rates (based on salary + employer costs) by the (varied) time spent on the referral (includes preparation time for a timeline to clarify misinformation). Also includes:

2 × hours of Police (officer in charge) time

Project finance documentation

2 × hours for probation officer. Uplifted for employer costs

Office of National Statistics occupational salary data for welfare professional

2 × hours for Adult Social Care professional



Same assumptions and sources as for superscript 2 for partnership staff and probation costs but also includes:

1 × hour of Prison Nurse time calculated from midpoint of band 5

Office of National Statistics occupational salary data for welfare and housing associate professional

6 × hours of Housing Officer time



Same assumptions and sources as for superscript 2 for partnership staff costs and superscript 3 for housing officer costs, and also includes:

Project finance documentation (probation officer salary)

12 × hours of Victim Liaison Officer time

Office of National Statistics occupational salary data

2.5 h of victim’s colleagues’ time – details removed to preserve anonymity



Same assumptions and sources as for superscript 2 for partnership staff, police (officer in charge) and probation costs



In/direct costs to victim include:

p. 47 of Home Office estimates of Domestic Abuse (Oliver et al., 2019)

14 months of Quality-Adjusted Life Year (duration of MASIP involvement) for moderate anxiety multiplied by the UK Government's estimate of the cost of a life in full health (2016/17, inflation applied)

Average cost of moving in the UK

Security door

4 × bars on windows



In/direct costs to victim include:

p. 47 of Home Office estimates of Domestic Abuse (Oliver et al., 2019)

18 months of Quality-Adjusted Life Year (duration of MASIP involvement) for moderate anxiety multiplied by the UK Government's estimate of the cost of a life in full health (2016/17, inflation applied)

Cost for changing daily routine travel


p. 54 of Home Office estimates of Domestic Abuse (Oliver et al., 2019)

Costs for violence with injury for the state (2016/17, inflation applied)


p. 47 of Home Office estimates of Domestic Abuse (Oliver et al., 2019)

20 months of Quality-Adjusted Life Year for moderate anxiety; 17 months for mild anxiety; 3 months of moderate anxiety multiplied by the UK Government's estimate of the cost of a life in full health (2016/17, inflation applied)


p. 54 of Home Office estimates of Domestic Abuse (Oliver et al., 2019)

For violence without injury (2016/17, inflation applied)


p. 26 of Knapp et al. (2011)

2009, inflation applied

  1. Project finance documentation included employer costs in salary costs. All other salary costs were uplifted for employer costs