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Table 4 The data sources, variables and outcomes of the returned articles relating to Patrol effectiveness in preventing wildlife crime

From: Systematic review of situational prevention methods for crime against species


Data source/s

Dependent variable/s

Independent variable

Confounding variable/s

Statistical analysis

Results: effectiveness of patrols

Hilborn et al. 2006

Arrest records

Recorded since 1957

Antipoaching activity records

Only available for some years

Species abundance

Buffalo, Elephant and Rhino numbers

Abundance of species

African Buffalo, Elephant, Black Rhino

Relative Poaching effort

Ratio of Poaching Intensity (arrests per patrol) to Antipoaching effort (patrols per day)

Influence of community engagement mentioned, however the authors claim the decline in poaching effort occurred before the community programs were initiated, therefore the authors attribute the reduction in poaching to patrols

Population dynamics model

Plotting the time series data on Abundance of Species and Relative Poaching Effort

The trends observed indicated that declines in species abundance correlated with periods when patrolling was limited due to park funding. As patrolling increased, species abundance was found to improve

Leader-Williams et al. 1990

Field records

Provided information on:

 Illegal activity

  Total Poachers Encountered

  Camps—indication of illegal activity

  Fresh Carcasses (flesh covered rhino/elephant carcasses with trophies axed off)—indication of successful poaching activity

 Patrol data

Number of Patrol days

Illegal activity

(poachers, camps, carcasses)

Abundance of species

Historical sightings of Rhino and Elephant by foot patrols used as a measure of population trends

Patrol Effort

Encounter rates per effective patrol day


Patrol Length

Number of Scouts


Year (fitted as categorical)

Anti-Poaching Unit (APU)

Simple regression

Rates of change in species abundance and patrol effort (in all areas in all years), to assess if animal abundance declined faster in areas where there was least effort

Multiple regression

Illegal activity, patrol effort and species abundance to establish if illegal activity was distributed in areas with least patrol effort and most quarry

Negative relationship between camps, carcasses and effort

Increased patrol effort was associated with a reduction in finds of fresh carcasses and camps

Overall, the results suggested that patrol effort reduced the number of finds of fresh carcasses and illegal activity

Jachmann and Billiouw 1997

Patrol reports

Detailing routes and observations

Number of elephants killed Illegally

(per annum)

Financial and Patrol variables:

 Total law enforcement budget per km2 (US$)

 Personal emoluments per scout per month (US$)

 Transport expenditure per km2 (US$) km2 per scout

 Km2 per carrier

 Effective patrol days per km2

 Effective investigation days

 Number of bonuses paid: average bonus rates (US$)


Poisson Regression Model

Deterrence effects of both foot and investigative patrols were found to be equally important

The predictor variables below were found to be significantly negatively associated with the number of elephants killed illegally:

 Bonuses Paid

 Number of Scouts

 Law enforcement budget

 Personal emoluments per scout per month

Linkie et al. 2015

Field data from ranger patrol logbooks

 Snare Trap Occurrence

 Patrol Frequency

 Patrol Effort

Biological data on tiger prey base collected using camera trap images from 2004–2006 and 2009–2011

 Tiger Occupancy/Abundance

Snare Trap Occurrence

Tiger Prey Occupancy /Abundance

Patrol frequency (number of times visited over previous 1 and 2 year periods)

Patrol effort

(number of kilometres patrolled in previous 1 and 2 year periods)

Spatial covariates related to accessibility:



 Proximity to nearest road

 Proximity to forest edge

 Proximity to nearest village & protected area status

Additional covariate assessed between 2009–2010:

 Tip Off—influence of intelligence-based patrolling

Markov Model

Modelling the deterrence of poachers by patrols, due to the removal of snares leading to reduction in the success of poaching

Snare trap occurrence between 2000 and 2010 declined by 24%, but the result was not statistically significant. The authors identified that the analysis did not control for potential spatial effects created by the establishment of new teams in previously unpatrolled areas. These new teams would likely contribute to the overall number of snares detected in the study area. Highlighting the importance for local-level, individual patrol measurements

Linkie et al. 2015







Patrol Frequency was found to have the most influence over the detection of snare traps, followed by Patrol Effort (number of kilometers walked)

Both variables were found to have an increased influence on the detection of snares if performed routinely over more time (e.g. 2 years compared to 1 year)

Accessibility was found to be an important factor in relation to patrol team performance. More snare traps were recovered from sites considered more accessible due to lower elevation, and flatter terrain