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Table 1 Using situational crime prevention to reduce wildlife crime

From: Wildlife crime: a conceptual integration, literature review, and methodological critique

Increase the effort

Increase the risk

Reduce the rewards

Reduce provocations

Remove excuses

1. Harden target

Collars that allow escape from metal snares

6. Extend guardianship

WildScan, a mobile app, to report likely illegally sourced or poached animals in markets

“Bush Watch” schemes modeled after Neighborhood Watch programs

11. Conceal targets

Avoid providing location data for potential poachers

16. Reduce frustration and stress

Eco-tourism provides monetary incentives

Business alternatives

Boost availability of affordable legal fuel wood and introduce sustainable alternatives

21. Set rules

Making locals aware of laws and conservation objectives

Require third-party evidence of legal procurement for public timber purchases

2. Control access to facilities

Screening entrance points into PAs

Securing rhino horn and elephant ivory stockpiles

Docking protocol at ports to check for illegal fishing gear

7. Assist natural surveillance

Monetary rewards for whistleblowers who disclose wildlife law violations

Publicize contact information (e.g. “hotline”) for civic reports of wildlife offenses

12. Remove targets

Translocation of species


Tusk trimming

17. Avoid disputes

Relief schemes to compensate farmers for livestock killed

Road mitigation such as guardrail gaps and under/overpasses reduce wildlife-motorist conflict

22. Post instructions

“Protected area”

Road signage warning motorists of wildlife crossing zones

“Buyer beware” campaigns using billboards and social media to engage the public

3. Screen exits

Departure protocols at ports could include checks for illegal fishing gear

License plates recorded upon exit from PAs

Manned checkpoints and random investigations on forest area exit roads

8. Reduce anonymity

Ranger IDs

GPS devices for rangers and PA visitors so movement can be tracked

Log personnel who access data or evidence relating to wildlife investigations

13. Identify property

Branding legally sourced timber

Marking antique ivory

Identifying “captive-bred” animals as wild-caught based on health, behavior, and blood/stool tests

18. Reduce emotional arousal

Corrals/fences to prevent livestock predation

Educate herding communities about best practices

23. Alert conscience

Public awareness campaigns

Social marketing campaigns targeted to wildlife consumers and their networks

4. Deflect offenders

Road blockades for car/truck checks along roadways identified as wildlife trafficking routes

Automate customs checking systems documentation to reduce corruption

9. Utilize place managers

Trade show officials must report animals (and vendors selling them) identified as protected

Provide equipment, training, and mentoring for park guards

14. Disrupt markets

Monitoring markets

Increasing the availability/affordability of substitute protein (chicken, fish)

Surveillance of internet markets and advertisement websites

19. Neutralize peer pressure

Anti-corruption units and multi-agency taskforces to undermine corruption in police culture

Anonymous whistleblowing mechanisms to neutralize peer intimidation and coercion

24. Assist compliance

Accessible factsheets for tourists identifying region-specific illegal wildlife products

Plan tour routes and amenities to direct visitors away from at-risk areas

5. Control tools/weapons

Prohibiting the sale of fishing gear prone to by-catch

License system for timber processing facilities

10. Strengthen formal surveillance

Alarms in facilities that house ivory/rhino horn stockpiles

CITES identification Guides for state customs officials

Spatial monitoring and reporting tool (SMART)

15. Deny benefits

Disfiguring the carapaces of ploughshares tortoises

Dying rhino horn

Increase profitability of sustainable harvest through subsidiaries and tax reductions

20. Discourage imitation

Censure details of modus operandi

25. Control drugs and alcohol