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Table 2 Mapping out suggestions of prevention made by sexual offenders in youth-oriented organisations onto the twenty-five situational prevention measures framework

From: Child sexual abuse in youth-oriented organisations: tapping into situational crime prevention from the offender’s perspective

Increase the effort

Increase the risks

Reduce the rewards

Reduce provocations

Remove excuses

1. Target harden

 Talk to children about sexuality and sexual abuse

 Build and keep an open dialogue with children

 Teach children to say no

6. Extend guardianship

 Parents participation in the activities of the organization

 Two staff with children

 Collection of children only by parents

11. Conceal targets

16. Reduces frustrations/stress

21. Set rules

 Code of conduct that prohibit staff/volunteer to take children home

2. Control access to facilities

 Children-focused recruitment interview

 Verifying criminal records

 Asking references from past employers

 Signing in signing out

7. Assist natural surveillance

 Eliminate hidden areas in organisations

 Design windows that overlook corridors

 Whistleblowers policies

 CCTV within the organizational setting

12. Remove targets

17. Avoid disputes

22. Post instructions

 Signs “adults only”

 “children only”

3. Screen exits

 CCTV overlooking entrance/exit

8. Reduce anonymity

 Uniforms for staff and children

13. Identify property

18. Reduce emotional arousal

 Prohibit adults to shower with children

23. Alert conscience

 Integrate youth education programs

 Ethics training for all staff

4. Deflect offenders

9. Utilize place managers

 Management obligation to disclose abuse immediately to authorities

 Staff supervision

14. Disrupt markets

19. Neutralize peer pressure

24. Assist compliance

 Committee panel for rules and policies with parents

 Clarify consequences of non-compliance

 External audit for facilitating disclosure

5. Control tools/weapons

 Mobile phones no contact policies

 Prohibit gift giving

10. Strengthen formal surveillance

 Install surveillance technology (CCTV)

15. Deny benefits

20. Discourage imitation

 Awareness sessions for staff on recent cases of unacceptable conduct

25. Control drugs/alcohol

 Strict alcohol and drug policy